Get the Kids Ready for School Hockey Season
Blog Posts, hockeyThe 2018 school year is about to begin, and with it will come plenty of extracurricular activities. Lots of kids will try out for sports teams this year, learning the values of cooperation, teamwork, and trust. If your school-age child has…

Give the Kids One More Great Summer Day Before They Go Back to School: Rent From Us Today!
Blog PostsBack to school time is now upon us. You’ve probably been busy for the better part of a month or more buying all the supplies your kids need for the classroom, like backpacks, notebooks, pens and pencils, and new clothes. There are still…

How Many Calories Do You Burn Roller Blading?
Blog PostsIt’s the summertime, so spending the sunny, warm days stuffed in a sweaty gym aren’t exactly appealing. Luckily, there are plenty of other great ways get exercise this time of year, like swimming, walking, or playing an organized sport like…

Questions to Ask Before Renting a Portable Ice Rink
Blog Posts Summer might be halfway over, but that means there’s still about a month and a half left before the kids go back to school. You might as well make the most of that time. One way to do so is through renting a portable ice rink through All…

Have a Fantastic Fourth of July Party with All Year Sports Galaxy
Blog PostsHappy Fourth of July! One of America’s favorite holidays is nearly here. What are your plans for the day? Yes, sure, you could go to the beach or have a backyard barbeque, but that’s all been done. It’s a little played out by now. If…

Summertime Ice Skating Tips
Blog PostsSummertime and ice skating are kind of on opposite ends of the spectrum, right? You would think so, but not here at All Year Sports Galaxy. It’s in our name: we offer roller rink and ice skating rink rentals throughout the year. In fact, summer…

Add Some Extras! Disco Balls and Strobe Lights Light Up The Night
Blog PostsSummertime is just about here. That means more and more people are going to be in a celebratory mood. With graduations from high school and college, Father’s Day, and Fourth of July on the horizon, you might want to honor a special someone…

Portable Roller Rink Rentals Vs. Portable Ice Rink Rentals
Blog Posts, rentalsYou’re planning a big event, be it a professional or a personal one. You want to wow all your guests, so you’re thinking of renting a rink. There’s just one little problem: you’re not sure if you want to get a portable roller rink or…

Choosing the Right Size Rink for Your Next Event
Blog PostsFew activities are more exciting than ice skating, but now that the warm weather’s here, you probably thought you had to put the skates down until next winter, right? Not at All Year Sports Galaxy. It’s in our name; we’re not just seasonal.…

How to Ice Skate Faster
Blog PostsIce skating can be a fun and simple way to get you and your family outdoors during the winter months. As well as being a great way to get some fun exercise in your schedule to make sure you don’t put on those winter pounds. There are many…